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#1 Mara=^.^=


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Posted 23 October 2006 - 08:26 PM

Hey everyone, and welcome to the updates section of IDOJ! :thumbsup:

I will be posting important info/news bulletins here as the need presents itself. If you have any news flashes of your own to add, feel free, but remember...I am the newscaster here! Only believe what I write LOL :P

UPDATE 1 [Monday, 10/23/06]

-I recently added a roleplaying section to the IDOJ forums, and so far, so good. If ya'll behave yourself I'll consider adding in some "special RP's" for original characters. *.*

-After reading some REALLY obscene posts :uhoh: by a user named "D--", I have deleted their account and permanently banned their IP. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, ya meanie! :lol:

-At the request of several people, I have suspended Betty&Jimmy4ever's account for 1 week until s/he can learn to control his or herself. REALLY people. :catfight:

-On a congratulatory note, a big high five to Purple_Sparkle for having the most posts on the board, measuring in at a whopping 705! :kawaii: Also, congrats to JimmyNHero for having the least number of posts (0) since joining back on the 23rd of August. Slacking RULEZ.

-Ten points to me for getting myself a new avatar and signature picture set. I made the iPod ads, so don't steal them. The avatar, in case you were wondering, is Luffy from One Piece :nosebleed: . Yup. :rolleyes:

OK, that's it for now. Yeehoo. :bock:

~*Mara*~ = ^.^ =
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#2 Mara=^.^=


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Posted 25 October 2006 - 01:29 AM

UPDATE 2 [Tuesday 10/24/06]

Not much to say, but I'll try anyway. o:)

-After hearing many complaints about a user called JCFreak :catfight: , I have decided to deepen my inquiry. What kinds of things has s/he done that people seem to find so offensive? Can anyone provide me with an example post? It's difficult to find these things out all by me onesy. *.*

-Congratulations to Jane, who recently found out that she is pregnant. (Chill out people, she's married). :wub:

-I'd like to give a big, warm welcome to my little cousin, kyosgirl11. She's a real sweetheart, so be nice to her, OR ELSE :angrymob:

-Let's give a big round of applause to our newest member, Brianna, who brings the count up to 104. I don't know about you, but I think we've got a pretty good number going here. :rock:

-On a more random note, I was inducted into National Honor Society today! Yeah for me for being smart and diligent and stuff :huh:

~*Mara*~ = ^.^ =
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#3 Koopa Testudo

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Posted 25 October 2006 - 01:45 AM

Congratz Jane,

I be nice to your little cuz, Mara. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! :ph43r:

Hi hi, Brianna!

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#4 ultraerica


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Posted 26 October 2006 - 03:08 AM

yay, Mara! ;) :thumbsup:
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#5 Purple_Sparkle


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Posted 26 October 2006 - 03:22 AM

-On a congratulatory note, a big high five to Purple_Sparkle for having the most posts on the board, measuring in at a whopping 705!  :kawaii:

Lol I obviously have way too much time in my hands :P

After hearing many complaints about a user called JCFreak  , I have decided to deepen my inquiry. What kinds of things has s/he done that people seem to find so offensive? Can anyone provide me with an example post? It's difficult to find these things out all by me onesy.   *.*

This I believe is the post that bothered people the most.

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#6 Mara=^.^=


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Posted 26 October 2006 - 06:55 PM

I believe is the post that bothered people the most.

There, I deleted the post. Problem solved :bunny:

~*Mara*~ = ^.^ =
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#7 CindyRocks123



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 08:05 PM

My Updates!: I AM BACK!!!!

I am 14 now. :D

Nick is planning to show a spin-off of JN. It'll suck.
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#8 Mara=^.^=


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Posted 26 October 2006 - 08:38 PM

And now it's time for everyone's favorite part of the day...update time! **flings congetti** :bff:

UPDATE 3 [10/26/06]

-As you may have noticed, CindyRocks123 is BACK and better than ever. Everyone do a happy dance! :dance:

-Apparently, Passionflower is having trouble logging on to her account, and several other people are having trouble accessing their email. :PCpwn: If you experience any problems, email me at ivory23@idreamofjimmy.com or send me a note on my DeviantArt account, *Acaciathorn. I'll try to get this mess sorted out, but sometimes these things are just as mind-boggling to me as they are to you. :huh:

-Since the majority of your seem to be able to conduct yourselves in a civilized manner *.* on the RP forum, I've created a special RP in the Retroville Arcade, and, joy of joys, original characters are allowed. Rock on. :rock:

-Clarification time: quite a few people still seem to be confused about the "3 pics per signature" rule. If you look closely at my signature, you will see that there are a buttload of iPod ads all strung together under the main iPod ad featuring Jimmy in his blue, emo pose. ;) I do NOT, however, have 6 images in my signature. Because the iPod ads are strung together to form a single banner, they count as only one image, which along with the full size JN bring my total to 2. So, don't freak out and start nagging on people if they have a banner in their sig with a bunch of pics collaged together. If they're horizontally displayed in a cohesive manner, they count as one image. HOWEVER, don't take this to mean that you can cram 15 images horizontally into your signature :wacko: and get away with it. Let's try to stay within the realm of reasonability, shall we? o:)

That's it for now. :bock: DANG that chicken emoticon is cute!!!

~*Mara*~ = ^.^ =
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#9 ultraerica


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Posted 26 October 2006 - 08:49 PM

Nick is planning to show a spin-off of JN. It'll suck.

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#10 CindyRocks123



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 08:50 PM

Nick is planning to show a spin-off of JN. It'll suck.


I dunno, but as soon as they can. Ugh.
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#11 ultraerica


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Posted 26 October 2006 - 09:06 PM

Nick is planning to show a spin-off of JN. It'll suck.


I dunno, but as soon as they can. Ugh.

oh. exciting. <_<
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#12 CindyRocks123



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 09:10 PM

Nick is planning to show a spin-off of JN. It'll suck.


I dunno, but as soon as they can. Ugh.

oh. exciting. <_<

Yeah. VERY exciting. i hate spin-offs.
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#13 Mara=^.^=


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Posted 27 October 2006 - 10:15 PM

UPDATE 4 [10/27/06]

-Not much to say other than that this week was really long and school REALLY bites. <_<

-In other news, the JN spinoff that is currently the subject of much debate is not yet OFFICIALLY confirmed, but at this point seems more likely than a fourth season. -_- As for me, I just CAN'T understand why Nick would be willing to invest money in a spinoff show if they're not willing to put any more into the current, already existing show. Why do they think a spinoff would do any better than the original? :angry: If anything it'll do worse, since fans tend to get resentful towards sequels, especially if they're poorly written. I think Nick should just LISTEN to the fans and make a fourth season. Clearly, they're not up to speed with what many viewers want these days, which is obvious by the fact that they keep coming out with new shows like "Catscratch" and "Mr. Meaty" (apologies in advance to people who like these shows. I merely mean that a majority of people do not like them). I dunno...it's just really frustrating. :grr: I miss Nick classics like Hey Arnold. :'(

-Oh, and VERY funny, whoever posted the REALLY messed-up Bolbi poem in the sheer randomness section. I deleted it. :bunny:

~*Mara*~ = ^.^ =
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#14 Purple_Sparkle


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Posted 27 October 2006 - 10:20 PM

I miss Nick classics like Hey Arnold. :'(

So do I :'( I hate that they are taking out great shows to put in new bad ones <_<
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#15 CindyRocks123



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Posted 27 October 2006 - 10:25 PM

I miss Nick classics like Hey Arnold.  :'( 

So do I :'( I hate that they are taking out great shows to put in new bad ones <_<

I know :'( They replace good stuff with pure, utter, CRAP! Take 'The X's' for example. :/
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#16 Mara=^.^=


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Posted 29 October 2006 - 06:16 PM

Update 5 [10/29/06]

-A couple of you have been wondering what happened to Cami and Steph, so let me fill you in. Steph recently moved to Washington (she used to live in CA) and is now in high school, so she hasn't had a lot of time to work on the site. She helps with character bios, executive decisions, etc., but she doesn't actually know how to use the file manager or upload HTML files or anything. Mostly she's just here for moral support. :thumbsup:
Cami helped write Sheen and Carl's bio, and then promptly disappeared. :ph43r: She NEVER comes online any more, so we can't exactly ask her to help us with anything. We just keep her profile up there because lots of people know and like Cami and they like to read it. :bock:
Realistically, though, Ally and I do ALL the work on the site. ^_^ Ally owns and pays for it, and I design the web pages and whatnot and upload them. So it's a fun partnership we've got going, and it's really cool to work with someone who lives clear across the country. :dance:
Anyway, NOW YOU KNOW. Hurray! :bff:

-Ally's fanfic, "Strange Things", is nearing completion and will soon be displayed in the Featured Fanfics section of the site. My fanfic, "The Other Side of Tomorrow", is still unfinished at a whopping 97 pages. I'll try to wrap it up in the next couple of months. o:)

-Halloween's coming up on Tuesday, not that I needed to remind you. :-N So, what's everyone gonna be this year? I'm going as a pirate wench :ahoy: along with my best friend Emma and my lil cousin (kyosgirl11). Do you guys have anything special planned for Halloween? This year we're memorizing Disney's "A Pirates Life for Me" and Relient K's "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything", and we plan to sing them at the top of our lungs as we trick-or-treat. HELLZ Ya. B)

~*Mara*~ = ^.^ =
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#17 .:!Gwen!:.


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Posted 29 October 2006 - 08:35 PM

OMG!!! I <3333 that song!!! "We are the pirates who don't do anything, we just stay home and lie around! And if you ask us to do anything, we'll just tell you, 'We don't do anything!'" ROFL If you get stuck, I'm here to help! LOL

Anyhow, I'm being a tavern mistress (one of those old bar tenders from the 1800's) and I'm going to a Halloween dance at one of my youth groups. (I go to like 5. @_@) My youth leader, Melody, is gonna teach us how to ballroom dance. It shall be a Halloween to remember. LOL I'm gonna tell all of you the steps once I learn them! Muahaha.... (Shan't that be frightful?)


PS Mara, if someone gets to 250 posts, it should be "Ultraposter", 350 posts: "Megaposter", 500: "Super-Ultra-Mega poster"! That'd be awesome!
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#18 Mara=^.^=


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Posted 30 October 2006 - 11:45 PM

OMG!!! I <3333 that song!!! "We are the pirates who don't do anything, we just stay home and lie around! And if you ask us to do anything, we'll just tell you, 'We don't do anything!'"

PS Mara, if someone gets to 250 posts, it should be "Ultraposter", 350 posts: "Megaposter", 500: "Super-Ultra-Mega poster"! That'd be awesome!

OMG I know, it's one of my favorite songs EVER. :music:

Haha, I love this line:
...And I've never licked a spark plug
and I've never sniffed a stink bug
and I've never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball...
and I've never bathed in yogurt
and I don't look good in leggings...

**dances like crazy** :dance:

Hey, that's a great idea! One of these days when I have time I'll make those new categories. Super-mega-ultra-poster = priceless. o:)

~*Mara*~ = ^.^ =
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#19 .:!Gwen!:.


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Posted 30 October 2006 - 11:52 PM

LOL good times. LARRY IS AWESOME!!!! "What do daisies and -something- have to do with being a pirate?"

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#20 Mara=^.^=


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Posted 30 October 2006 - 11:59 PM

Oh...Gwen. Did I mention that I LOVE your signature pics? :kawaii: JxA rocks. :rock:

~*Mara*~ = ^.^ =
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