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Searching for 2 Old Jimmy Neutron MVs

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#1 Kyra



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Posted 08 December 2023 - 02:52 PM

Hey guys!


I've been a Jimmy Neutron fan for a while and have enjoyed watching the music videos since the early days of Youtube. There were 2 specific music videos in which I was obsessed with when I was young and have been looking for ever since. Those videos are long gone from Youtube, but I am wondering if perhaps anyone here remembers or has them saved? I know it's very unlikely but I am willing to try! The videos are:


Jimmy and Cindy - Island in the Sun (sang by Weezer; I believe it was a tribute to the episode "Stranded")

Jimmy Neutron - 100 years (sang by Five for Fighting)


I THINK (not entirely sure) those were both made by Kohirihiri. Would be awesome if I could get in contact with them as well or whoever made the videos!


Thanks everyone!!!  :Jimmy:


Update: The "100 years" MV is still on YouTube but blocked in most countries. I am not able to watch it but if by any chance anyone can access it and download it, here is the link: 

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#2 Mara=^.^=


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Posted 15 January 2024 - 09:54 AM

Hey guys!


I've been a Jimmy Neutron fan for a while and have enjoyed watching the music videos since the early days of Youtube. There were 2 specific music videos in which I was obsessed with when I was young and have been looking for ever since. Those videos are long gone from Youtube, but I am wondering if perhaps anyone here remembers or has them saved? I know it's very unlikely but I am willing to try! The videos are:


Jimmy and Cindy - Island in the Sun (sang by Weezer; I believe it was a tribute to the episode "Stranded")

Jimmy Neutron - 100 years (sang by Five for Fighting)


I THINK (not entirely sure) those were both made by Kohirihiri. Would be awesome if I could get in contact with them as well or whoever made the videos!


Thanks everyone!!!  :Jimmy:


Well, I've searched everywhere for these, and I can't find them. :/


The only place I haven't checked is my old external hard drive. I wasn't in the habit of saving other people's videos, but there's a small chance that 100 Years is buried somewhere on that drive. Now, if I can only find the darn thing...


Do you happen to know which countries are whitelisted? If we could figure that out, I could switch on my VPN and download it for you.


~*Mara*~ = ^.^ =

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#3 Kyra



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Posted 12 March 2024 - 07:05 PM

Well, I've searched everywhere for these, and I can't find them. :/


The only place I haven't checked is my old external hard drive. I wasn't in the habit of saving other people's videos, but there's a small chance that 100 Years is buried somewhere on that drive. Now, if I can only find the darn thing...


Do you happen to know which countries are whitelisted? If we could figure that out, I could switch on my VPN and download it for you.


~*Mara*~ = ^.^ =


Hi Mara!!! First of all, I want to say it is an honor to talk to you  :D and I am really sorry about the late reply!


I really appreciate you for trying to look for those videos! It's sad that "Island in the Sun" is no longer anywhere on the internet... I used to watch those videos ALL THE TIME - I would watch them before going to school and after coming back from school over and over again lol 


To answer your question, it looks like the only country in which "100 Years" is available is Canada : I don't have a VPN but if you could download, that would be amazing! It's been over 10 years since I last watched it!


I actually remembered another one that I really liked and it used the song "Clocks" by Coldplay. Not sure if you or anyone else would have information on that one as well. These videos are all 19 years old at this point!


Again, thank you so much for your help!

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