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Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius

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#1 Scythe



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Posted 27 August 2011 - 07:20 AM

I LOVE The Movie and I noticed that there are no topics that talk about it, and just it. So, i desided to do this! What did anyone eles think of the Movie, I think it taught you a very important lesson!
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#2 MollyFlenderson


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Posted 27 August 2011 - 12:01 PM

Two thumbs up :thumbsup:
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#3 JimmyxxCindy4EVER


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Posted 27 August 2011 - 04:09 PM

The lesson? Never talk to strangers, especially intergalactic extraterrestrials hell-bent on feeding your parents to a chicken-god!

Man, I LOVE this movie! I have it on DVD, too! Heck, I've seen it SO many flippin' times that I have it typed up, WORD-FOR-WORD, in a word document on my computer!! :rolleyes: Just look at the document I've attached!! ^_^

Attached File  Movie Script.doc   278KB   5 downloads
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#4 Scythe



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Posted 27 August 2011 - 04:12 PM

There is that, there is Be Carefull What You Wish For, and then finally, You may WANT you're parents to be gone, but you're going to want them back soon!

Another thing that you learn that you will probably NEVER have to use in real life is, never underestimate JIMMY NEUTRON!!!!
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#5 Scythe



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Posted 27 August 2011 - 04:25 PM

I have a question,

Who does the voice in The Eggpire Strikes Back and The Legue Of Villians? I know that the movie had Patrick Stewert, but in that one he had a low voice, watch the other ones with him in it his voice is more high-pitched.
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#6 TheKingInTheNorth



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Posted 14 April 2013 - 03:37 PM

Man, even after all these years, I still LOVE this movie! The characters, the interactions, the humour, the dramatic moments... I honestly think it still holds up. (I noticed it only has a 45% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes! WTF??) True, it's not perfect, but what movie is?
It teaches some good lessons too. The "love your parents" and "don't talk to strangers" messages are obvious, but there others too, like being grateful for what you have, not trying to grow up too fast, and of course the whole anti-bullying message.

Even now, at 22 (hell, almost 23), I can enjoy this movie just as much as I could as a kid. Well, OK... maybe, 95% as much. (The fact that it led to my favourite TV show probably helps too).


I really hope this movie gets a re-release, as I never did see it in the theater when it first came out. Plus, it may draw more fans to it and the show.

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#7 JimmyxxCindy4EVER


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Posted 26 May 2021 - 08:04 PM

I realize this is a REALLY late reply, but my sentiments exactly, Malcolm!! Like you, I so wish they'd do a rerelease of the film...! At the time it was first released, I was too heavily into SpongeBob to notice, or even care, for that matter... :rolleyes: But as time went on, I noticed JN more and more and became less and less into SpongeBob. What really sealed the deal for me was when I first got the movie on VHS for the first time, given to me by my stepbrother cuz he didn't want it anymore and must've noticed I was kinda getting into the fandom by then... And nowadays, I freaking LOVE it!!! :kawaii:
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#8 Neon2500


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Posted 02 September 2022 - 09:59 PM

I haven't seen it...is it as good as the show? I am hesitant about it because it seems like Nick is more prominent and I hate him lol

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#9 JimmyxxCindy4EVER


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Posted 03 September 2022 - 12:14 AM

Dude, er, girl, whichever you are, the success of the movie is what kicked off the series! It's so amazing! It basically tells how it all got started, and in case you get confused by the concept of who moved to Retroville during the movie, it was Cindy who did, not Jimmy. ;) It shows how they were when they were a bit younger, which I think is sooooo adorable...! :kawaii: By the way, did you know that I've seen that movie so many freaking times that I memorized it!! No lie! :la: It's my fave movie ever!
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#10 Neon2500


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Posted 03 September 2022 - 01:41 AM

I can't find it on paramount+. Did they take it off for some reason? Also, while we're on the topic of things being taken off, what's the most reliable source for the "Go Jimmy Jimmy" episodes? (the ones that they don't have on paramount+)

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#11 JimmyxxCindy4EVER


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Posted 03 September 2022 - 02:57 AM

I don't have Paramount+, so I have no idea about the movie issue... As far as the eps, you can find the show on wcostream.com... I use that site for all kinds of shows and movies... ^_^
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#12 SheWolf


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Posted 10 September 2022 - 10:07 PM

You can also watch the movie on that website, too!


Here's the link ------> https://www.wcostrea...enius-the-movie



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#13 AquaticValley


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Posted 08 October 2022 - 02:52 PM

I remember watching the movie for the first time, when i saw Goddard at the start with the Nickelodeon movies logo i got so excited.

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#14 JimmyxxCindy4EVER


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Posted 09 October 2022 - 07:21 PM

I know, right?? I love that! Why Nick gave up on using the characters to represent the company, I have no earthly idea, but they should've kept it that way regardless of any newer shows they made! :kawaii: <3
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#15 Neon2500


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Posted 30 April 2023 - 05:10 AM

Alright so, I saw the movie months ago and here’s what I thought of it:


1. Some of the designs aren’t as good (Jimmy wearing shorts is just off, and it’s hard to take Cindy seriously with a pigtail - Cindy in particular I’m glad they changed as her design in the movie is just meh)

2. The voices are higher pitched (All of them, even the girls, except for Sheen’s, his is actually lower)

3. Too much Nick! Too much! And Cindy and Nick? Eww! Gross! Get it away from me!

4. The plot is a lot heavier than most JN season 1 and 2 episodes, yet the humor is more childish

5. It is filled to the brim with turn-of-the-century pop culture and music - whereas the show is relatively timeless


1. Some scenes were funny (like Hugh waving at the bicycle kid and Cindy drinking Purple Flurp)

2. It teaches a good message kids need more than ever now

3. The lighting is cool and more detailed than the show

4. Though the songs are dated, they’re good

5. We get to see a lot more people and places than we do in the series and it all looks good (RetroLand looks awesome!)

Overall it’s not as good as the show but has its own charm
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#16 JimmyxxCindy4EVER


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Posted 17 April 2024 - 02:28 AM

Hey, anything JN is timeless in my opinion! Never gets old! Still draw plenty of fanart for it! :kawaii:
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